The monthly GNT Newsletter keeps the greater Tshwane tennis family informed of the latest developments. It is published directly after the first Saturday of the month’s red ball match day. The 7th September news is extensively reported.
Our urgent focus for September was to increase the database of GNT beginner players. Kobus van Zyl led the program to 38 pupils (Gr 1 – Gr 3) pupils from Lynnwood Privaat Skool. We exposed children who had never played tennis before to the enjoyment of red ball tennis for 30 minutes in school time. The children were sent home with a marketing flyer for their parents. Power point presentations were given to Tshwane private primary school head’s of sport about GNT and its free service to schools. Approximately 500 flyers were distributed at schools Gr RR – Gr 3 pupils.
Despite this marketing campaign there was only one new entry. (That entry was achieved through word of mouth.) Together with the recent unsuccessful Facebook ad it led to the GNT digital friends to brainstorm improving the marketing campaign. This led to changes to the name, logo, the use of a landing page on the website for the Facebook ads and replacing the word “tournament” with “match days.” These changes will reduce confusion a reader experiences when quickly glancing at the marketing documents.
7 September 2019 statistics and information include:
- 30 players were invited and eight entered. One boy became sick overnight and another player did not arrive.
- Two entries failed the coordination test and two coordination trainers let them play different games with racquets.
- Four of the children did not own racquets.
- Five children did not have coaches.
- Merit medals were handed out at the prize giving: Dakalo Gana was recognised for her promising backhand; her cousin Nsuku Gana was rewarded for his promising forehand; Ernst Myburgh proudly wore his medal (Vasberadenheid) on the swings in the nearby play park; Motlatsi Nare won the sportsmanship medal (now his father wants to buy him a racquet); Marnie Hugo’s improvement was recognised, while her brother Reinaard who is only three crept in everyone’s heart with his friendliness.
- Four players received recognition for their level of play. Dakalo and her cousin Nsuku both received a red level 3 medallions. Marnie Hugo received recognition for being a level 3 novice while her brother is a level 4 novice. At the next tournament Ernst Myburgh will be awarded a level 4 Red ball medallion.
On 3 September Andrè Nieuwoudt of Compix, reported that the GNT Tennis Management System was 95% complete. He agreed to let Chris de Bruyne of Seventh Season would concentrate on the Facebook Ads. This releases Andrè to focus on the GNT Tennis Management System. Andrè agreed to make several short videos for the Facebook.
On 7 September GNT ran its seventh red ball match day, which TSA’s Iain Smith will prove Gauteng Tennis Association (GTA) they are a going concern. We are trying to get appointments with GTA and Tennis South Africa (TSA) to ask for recognition and approval.
Compiled by: Pierre Lubbe owner of GNT