Good tennis etiquette won’t give you a bigger serve or a more accurate backhand, but it will make you more fun to share a court with and you will enjoy it more.
Enkels rooibal tennis etiket
Good tennis etiquette won’t give you a bigger serve or a more accurate backhand, but it will make you more fun to share a court with and you will enjoy it more.
Tennis etiket maak tennis meer genotvol, vir jou en jou opponent. Love your neighbour as you love yourself Mathew 22:39 Jy moet jou naaste liefhê soos jouself.
Respect your neighbour/ Respekteer jou naaste.
To decide who will serve first, spin a racquet. (To determine who will serve first, spin your racket on it’s head, let it fall to the floor, and ask your opponent to call rough or smooth. Look to see whether the tied-off strings on your racket are facing up or down, if they are up then that’s rough and if they are down that’s smooth.) The person who wins the toss may choose to serve, receive, pick which end of the court they would like or even make their opponent choose.
Bepaling van wie dien is bepaal deur die draai van n raket.
Before you serve, make sure your opponent is ready to receive.
Jy kan net dien as jou opponent reg is om te ontvang.
Walk with care
Don’t walk behind another court during a point, or across someone else’s court while they’re in the middle of a game or interrupt a point on another court to retrieve a ball.
Moet nooit ander wedstryde onderbreuk nie deur. agter n’ baan te stap, of oor ‘n baan.
If a ball comes onto your court from another match, wait until they have finished their point to return their ball. Even if you roll the ball out of harm’s way during a point, at least one side will see that ball rolling behind the court and might become distracted, stopping the point (which will have to be played over).
Maak voorsorg dat ‘n bal eers terugversorg word as die punt klaar is.
Do the right thing
Apologise if you win a lucky point or if you accidentally hit your opponent with a ball.
Vra om verskoning as jy ‘n gelukkige punt wen.
Focus on your match
Keep your attention on the court – don’t chat to spectators, interrupt a game to answer your mobile phone.
Gee al jou aandag aan die wedstryd en moet nie enige afleings toelaat nie
Moet nie soos ‘n baba “tantrums” gooi as dit sleg gaan met jou.
2, Tennis Ball Collection/Distribution
Tennisbal verspreiding
Where a ball interrupts play, either by rolling/bouncing onto the court, and/or creating a visible interruption behind the court a let should be played. Either player can call a let in these circumstances provided they do so in a timely manner.
‘n Let kan geroep word, as spel onderbreuk word, deur ‘n vreemde bal op die baan.
Players are entitled to request their opponent to remove the ball from the court prior to the commencement of the point.
Jy kan jou opponent vra om n bal te skyf op sy baan.
When ball persons are not available, all balls on your side of the net are your responsibility to pick up and return directly to the server.
Tel die balle op aan jou kant van die baan
Too much time can be wasted by not being efficient enough looking after tennis balls during a game. Here are some tips to help speed up this process and get tennis balls to the server as quickly as possible:
Wenke om die bal verspreiding te be bespoedig:
- Keep tennis balls in your hand, in a pocket, in a ball clip, or at the back centre of the court against the fence.
Hou die balle by jou in jou sak of in ‘n kogelknip.
- If there is a brief pause in play (even between points) look around for any tennis balls, you could collect before the server wishes to start serving again.
- Sodra daar die kortste pouse is, moet jy balle op tel.
- If the server requires a tennis ball, the player closest to a ball should get it and pass it the server.
- Pass a ball to the server at a sensible speed so that it is easy to catch, bouncing once or twice.
Wanneer jy ‘n bal aangee stuur dit sorgvuldig vir jou opponent.
- Line Calls
If you are unsure as to whether your opponent’s shot was in or out, call it in.
As jy onseker is oor jou roep dan gee toe dat dit in is.
Question Only Once
If you think (or even know) your opponent has made a bad call, you can ask once (per point) for clarification and that’s it. No matter how flagrant a bad call, you can’t argue. If there’s an official, you can ask for a referee to make calls, but it’s impolite to keep challenging the same call — and, you might be wrong!
Jy moet slegs een keer jou opponent vra of hul seker is oor hul roep wat jy ingesien het. Jy moet die roep aanvaar of vir ‘n lynregter vra.
Each player is responsible for all calls on his/her side of the net, however it should be noted that a Court Supervisor or Referee is permitted to reverse an incorrect line call.
Net ‘n skeidsregter kan jou roep verander.
- All “out” or “fault” calls should be made promptly after the ball has bounced and must be loud enough for the opponent to hear.
Roep vinnig en duidelik.
4, Body Language |
- Tennis can be a frustrating game if you are not getting your serves in or not hitting your shots, but try to remain upbeat and happy. Your opponent doesn’t want to be playing tennis with someone who is miserable so cheer up! You are more likely to play better tennis if you are calm, relaxed, focussed, and in a positive frame of mind.
Tennis is soms frustreerend, maar jy moet jou gemoedere altyd onder beheer hou. Niemand wil teen ‘n mismoedige opponent speel nie.
Screaming regularly and loudly, whether in relation to winning and/or losing a point is likely to cause interference to play on nearby courts and may be considered unsportsmanlike conduct. Swak luidrigte gedrag veroorsaak onsmaakliheid vir almal wat dit hoor. |
- Spectator etiquette
Toeskouer etiket
Silence Please
During the point you should keep quiet,
that means cheering and chatting are a no-go and cellphones should be on silent. Tennis requires extreme
concentration and focus and the last thing a player needs is your ring tone or
text message notification chiming in while he or she is serving match point at
over 100 miles an hour.
Stilte is die geheim wat beteken geen selfone naby die spelers nie.
Cheer Correctly
Ondersteun ordentlik
Following an incredible point, you are welcome to cheer encouragement, but only immediately following the shot. At no time should you heckle or boo, tennis is the “sport of kings” after all.
Ondersteun goeie spel slegs na die laaste hou.
Enjoy the Game
The whole point of attending a tennis match is to witness tennis. — and you can’t do that if you spend the whole game looking at your phone. My advice is to put your phone away and focus on the players. Toeskouers moet hul selfone afskakel
- Rules for parents
Reëls vir ouers
Parents should not coach kids, make calls, explain rules or give coaching advice during junior matches. The only exception to this is if the league rules encourage this (often for beginner tournaments) and parents are unbiased, helping both or all four children. Getting involved with your child’s match also puts pressure on her and makes it less fun
Onder geen omstandighede mag ouers die volgende doen tydens ‘n wedstryd nie:
- Afrig
- Lynroepe mask
- Enige verduideliking doen
- Advies gee